Antibiotics Can Indirectly Cause Hemorrhoids

I know this is going to sound totally farfetched and off the wall to you, but in a very real way, antibiotics can cause hemorrhoids. This may be the most unusual story you've ever read but it is true and ultimately, it was antibiotics that caused my hemorrhoids. I will explain to you how and why you must avoid taking them if at all possible.
About 30 years ago, I started suffering from chronic sinus infections. I eventually learned that the cause was from the intense heat of our apartment in the winter time. We lived right next to the furnace in the boiler room. Yes, renting that apartment turned out to be the worst thing I ever did in my life.
Anyway, I went to my doctor who, while a nice man, turned out to be a very bad doctor. His answer to everything was give you drugs. Well, after diagnosing me with a sinus infection, which really was just dried sinuses from the heat, he prescribed something called Keflex. At the time I didn't know what this was but it turned out to be an antibiotic.
Well, this went on winter after winter for years. From Keflex it went to Ampicilin and then something else and something else. Sure, my sinus "infections" were cleared up but I had no idea what all these antibiotics were doing to my body.
That was until all of a sudden, I found that I wasn't moving my bowels anywhere near as regularly as I used to. I also wasn't digesting my food as well as I used to.
To make a very long story short, many years later, I was diagnosed as not having the proper enzymes in my stomach in order to digest my food properly. When the doctor asked for my past history, I told him about the sinus infections and the antibiotics and he said yes, that'll do it.
Essentially, here's what happens. The antibiotics don't just destroy the bad bacteria that is making you sick. It doesn't know the difference between bad and good. It just destroys anything it runs into. Well, inside your stomach is good bacteria that helps you digest your food. If that bacteria is destroyed, which it can be over time with long antibiotic use, you essentially can no longer digest your food well, especially hard to digest things like beef and pork. Well, when this happens, it makes moving your bowels very difficult which can lead to hemorrhoids, which is exactly what happened to me.
Now, the good news is you can take a product like Activia to put that good bacteria back into your system. I personally haven't tried it because I'm lactose intolerant and can't eat the stuff that the enzymes are in. But I've heard from a lot of people that it really keeps you regular. So you might want to give it a try if you think that might be your problem.
For me, however, it was too late. The horses were already out of the barn. I was already suffering from stage 4 external hemorrhoids and no enzyme was going to cure that.
Fortunately, I was able to beat my hemorrhoids and you can read my story in my signature. It's only 10 pages and it just might change your life.
In the meantime, please avoid taking antibiotics if at all possible. For sinus infections, take a nasal spray to keep the sinuses moist. In most cases, that's all you'll need.
And if you suffer from hemorrhoids, read my story.
It will give you hope.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner
Want to find out how I beat my hemorrhoids without surgery? Get my FREE report To Hell And Back and find out how I am now pain free without surgery of any kind.

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